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Book a Free Trial Session

Everything you need to sign up for a free trial at

Carlson Gracie Farnborough.

Try it for free

It's quick and easy! All you need to do is fill out a short disclaimer form and pick a date. Use the link below for the disclaimer form and check the classes page for our timetable.


 Club Rules. 

  1. Make sure you pre book classes, If you do not book and the class size is too big, you will be turned away

  2. Only enter the building if you are training and no more than 10 minutes before class start time

  3. Sanitize hands regularly

  4. Change at home where possible

  5. Refrain from congregating before and after classes

  6. Always maintain social distancing

  7. Kits should be laundered between each session

  8. Bring your own water bottle

  9. All belongings should be taken home, as lost property will be removed at the end of each session

Carlson Gracie Farnborough

Unit 1, Princess Mead, Farnborough, United Kingdom, GU14 6YA

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